Nifty Stuff, Handmade in PDX View Projects View Projects hilkbuilt OH SHIFT! — New piece for the @the_automobile_sh Netherwhirl is the first art piece I have incorpor Chromatic Vortex is back again and on display at @ Meet Netherwhirl — the newest addition to the fa Whether the lights are on or off, this baby shines Most of my projects start with what materials I al Prototype for a new piece. Next steps: motorize, e Having a beaming time exploring illuminated wood g A 43,000 LED floor is pretty cool even when it’s Dream project alert! Recently an opportunity arose Ride the wave 🌊 I know you like these curves. 😏 Really loving how light catches this piece. I did lots of experimentation with this piece, fro If only CNC milling was this fast in real life… Same LED wall, new tricks. #clubhilk I created so Leveling up my CNC woodworking once again with thi From the computer to reality 🤘🏼 Tonight is Chromatic Vortex is beautiful with its lights off, First official day of the @portlandwinterlightfest Load More Follow on Instagram